Hosea: God can see right through you.

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After the shootings at the AME Church many people began throwing around the term “cheap grace” as if forgiving those who do you harm or forgiving those who sin is not what God wants for us to do. I agree that at times like this we should all take action, however the action that must precede this before anything else is forgiveness. Could you imagine what Jesus could have done, while He was on this earth, to those who defied Him, beat Him, ridiculed Him? He could have done harm to them. He could have held a grudge. Instead of doing those things He forgave them. He preached a message of repentance and no matter how hard He tried there were always those who denied Him. You see forgiveness is one the strongest tools God has given us. It’s also one of the greatest gifts He could ever bestow upon us. Read More

Galations: We are free


So then, brethren, we are not children of the bondwoman, but of the free. Galations 4:31

In reading Galations I learned that what God wants for us to be free of our sins. We have been promised a great inheritance in Him and I believe that God wants us all to realize just how easy it is to obtain all the good He wants in our lives. Read More